1. 放棄 abandon, desert, leave, discard, give up
2. 壓縮,縮寫abbreviate, compress, condense, shorten
3. 遵守abide, comply, follow, obey
4. 能力ability, capacity, capability, genius, talent,faculty, gift,able, capable, qualified
5. 不規(guī)律abnormal, irregular, unusual
6. 廢除abolish, cancel, delete, eliminate, terminate, doawaywith
7. 吸收absorb, fascinate, attract
8. 荒謬的absurd, foolish, ridiculous
9. 充足的abundant, plentiful, rich, adequate enough sufficient
10. 濫用abuse, curse, insult
11. 接受,采納accept, admit adopt
12. 途徑access, approach
13. 事故accident, incident, event, occurrence, happening
14. 歡呼acclaim, applaud, cheer, clap
15. 陪伴accompany, follow, escort, go with
16. 完成accomplish, achieve, finish, complete,fullfill
17. 結(jié)果accordingly, consequently, hence, so, therefore,thus
18. 積累accumulate,assemble, collect, gather, heap, pile
19. 精確accurate, exact, precise, correct
20. 控訴accuse, charge, condemn, prosecute
21. 承認acknowledge, accept, admit,confess, recognize
22. 獲得acquire, obtain, gain, get, win, earn, secure,attain
23. 行動,行為act, action, deed, operation, performance behavior
24. 活躍的active, energetic, vigorous
25. 真的actual, positive, real, true
26. 額外的additional, extra, supplementary
27. 演講,講話address, speech, lecture, report, talk
28. 改變alter, modify, change, shift, transform, switch, ajust, revise, vary
29. 管理administer, control, govern, manage, rule,supervise
30. 崇拜admire, adore, appreciate, worship, honour,respect,
31. 成人adult, grown-up, mature
32. 有點advantage, benefit, interest, favor, profit, gain
33. 建議advice, opinion, suggestion, propose,recommendation, view
34. 害怕afraid, fearful, awful, dreadful, frightful,terrible, horrible, terrific, appalling, timid, scared
35. 痛苦agony, anguish, pain, suffering, grief, misery,distress, sorrow
36. 恐慌alarm, fright, horror, panic, terror, dread,startle, terrify, scare, intimidate
37. 相似alike, similar, identical, assimilating
38. 常常always, often, usually, frequently, repeatedly,regularly
39. 祖先ancestor, forefather, predecessor
40. 痛苦anger, indignation, temper, rage, fury, outrage,grievance ,irritated, annoy
1. 焦慮anxiety,worry, care, concern, upset, depressed,
2. 設備apparatus, instrument, device,equipment, tool, implement, appliance
3. 明顯的apparent, evident, obvious, clear, distinct, plain,conspicuous
4. 出現(xiàn)appear, emerge, turn up, come being, loom
5. 應用application, usage, utilize, employ, take advantage of
6. 合適的appropriate, fit, proper, suitable
7. 爭論argue,debate, dispute, quarrel, discuss, reason, controversy
8. 抓住arrest, capture, catch, seize,trap
9. 假的,人造的artificial, false, synthetic, man-made, fake, unnatural
10. 屈辱,丟人的ashamed, shameful, humiliated
11. 同伴companion, company, colleague, fellow,partner
12. 認為assume, deem,hold, deduce, suppose, presume
13. 律師attorney, lawyer
14. 增加augment, expand, increase, surge,soar, go up, rocket, sky-rocket
15. 自治autonomous, independent, self-governing
16. 可利用的available, accessible
17. 重要的essential, fundamental, radical, vital, significant,crucial, critical, important, significant
18. 開始begin, commence, start, initiate, launch
19.信任,信念belief,faith, confidence, conviction, credit, trust
20.在...之下below,beneath, under, underneath, down
21.有益的beneficial,advantageous, profitable, favorable
22. 除了...besides, but,except for
23.迷惑bewilder, confuse, embarrass,puzzle, perplex
24.偏見的biased, partial, prejudiced
25.系緊bind, tie,fasten
26.一片bit, piece,sheet, slice, fragment, scrap
27.責備blame, accuse, condemn, reproach, scold, denounce
28.空blank, empty,vacant
29.阻礙block, bar,hinder, obstruct, prevent, hamper
30.錯誤blunder,mistake, error, slip, fault
31.勇敢的bold, brave, courageous, daring, heroic, fearless,agressive
32.無聊的boring,tedious, tiresome
33.打擾bother, disturb, trouble, annoy, irritate
34.邊界boundary,border, frontier
35.破壞break, burst, crack, crush, fracture, smash,destroy, ruin, wreck, damage, spoil
36.聰明的bright,brilliant,clever, wise, intelligent, ingenious, smart, shrewd
37.脆弱的brittle, fragile, vulnerable, feeble, weak, be susceptible to, besubject to
38.受傷bruise, hurt,injury, wound, injure, impair
39.建立build,construct, found, erect, establish, fabricate
40.沖突bump, clash,collide, conflict
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