考研幫 > 英語(yǔ) > 復(fù)習(xí)經(jīng)驗(yàn)


  摘要:今天幫幫為大家總結(jié)了英語(yǔ)完型填空里的一些固定搭配, 大家可以看一看記憶一下。當(dāng)然不僅是可以用于完型,寫(xiě)作翻譯等其他題型也可以用到哦~

  by chance偶然,碰巧

  take a chance冒險(xiǎn)一試

  in charge of負(fù)責(zé),主管

  take charge of擔(dān)任,負(fù)責(zé)

  check in辦理登記手續(xù)

  check out結(jié)帳后離開(kāi)

  check upon校對(duì),檢查

  cheer up使高興,使振奮,高興起來(lái)

  around / round the clock一齊,-致,共同

  clear away掃除,收拾

  clear up整理,收拾,清除,澄清

  around /round the clock晝夜不停地

  come off實(shí)現(xiàn),成功,奏效

  come on請(qǐng),來(lái)吧,發(fā)展

  come out出版,出現(xiàn),顯露,結(jié)局是

  as if好像,仿佛

  as though好像,仿佛

  as to至于,關(guān)于

  as well也,一-樣

  aside from除...之外

  ask for請(qǐng)求,要求

  pay attention to注意

  on the average平均,一般來(lái)說(shuō)

  right away立即,馬上

  back and forth來(lái)回,往返,來(lái)來(lái)往往地

  back off放,讓步,退卻

  back up支持,援助

  on the basis of根據(jù),在...的基礎(chǔ)上

  break in強(qiáng)行進(jìn)入,闖入,打斷

  break into闖入

  break out突發(fā),爆發(fā)

  break through突破

  break up終止,結(jié)束,打碎

  catch one's breath屏息

  out of breath喘不過(guò)氣來(lái),上不接下氣

  in brief 簡(jiǎn)而言之

  bring about帶來(lái),造成

  bring down.....挫傷

  bring forth產(chǎn)生,提出

  bring forward提出

  bring out使出現(xiàn),公布

  bring to使恢復(fù)知覺(jué)

  come round / around來(lái)訪,蘇醒

  come through經(jīng)歷,脫險(xiǎn)

  come to總計(jì),達(dá)到

  come true實(shí)現(xiàn),達(dá)到

  come up走近,發(fā)生

  come up to達(dá)到,符合

  come up with提出,提供

  in common共同,共有

  keep company with與...交往,與...結(jié)伴


  by compare比較起來(lái)

  be concerned with就...而言

  be concerned with關(guān)心

  in conclusion最后,總之

  a number of若干

  above all首要,尤其

  be absorbed in專(zhuān)心于

  by accident偶然

  account for說(shuō)明

  on account of因?yàn)椋捎?br />
  take..into account考慮

  be accustomed to習(xí)慣于

  add up to合計(jì),總計(jì)

  in addition另外

  in addition to除...之外

  in advance提前,預(yù)先

  take advantage of利用

  ahead of在...前面,先于

  in the air在流行中,在傳播中

  after all終于,畢竟,雖然這樣

  all but幾乎,差一點(diǎn),除...之外其余都

  because of由于,因?yàn)?br />
  on behalf of代表,為了

  at the best充其量,至多

  do/ try one's best盡力,努力

  get the best of勝過(guò)

  make the best of充分利用,妥善處理

  for the better好轉(zhuǎn),改善

  get the better of打敗,智勝

  had better最好還是,應(yīng)該

  on board在船/車(chē)飛機(jī)上

  be bound to必定,一定

  break away脫離,逃跑

  break down損壞,分解,瓦解

  burn out燒掉

  burn up燒完,燒盡

  call for邀請(qǐng),要求,需要

  call forth喚起,引起

  call off放棄,取消

  call on / upon訪問(wèn),拜訪

  call up召集,動(dòng)員

  care for照顧,關(guān)心

  take care小心,當(dāng)心

  take care of照顧,照料,負(fù)責(zé)

  carry off奪去

  carry on繼續(xù)下去,堅(jiān)持下去

  carry out貫徹,執(zhí)行,實(shí)現(xiàn)

  in any case無(wú)論如何,總之

  in case假如,萬(wàn)一

  in no case決不

  catch on理解,明白

  catch up with追上,趕上

  all over遍及,到外

  all right行,可以

  at all完全,根本

  in all總共,共汁

  make allowances for考慮,顧及,體諒

  in alliance with與...聯(lián)盟


  let alone更不用說(shuō)

  along with與...一起

  one after another一個(gè)接一個(gè)

  one another互相

  apart from除去

  as for至于,就...方面說(shuō)







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